A gloomy day, threatening rain but we were lucky and only endured a mild sprinkle around Rosny College.
There were options. Some chose to go up the steps and were rewarded by lovely (though cloudy) views over Bellerive Bluff. Others avoided the hill and dawdled (and I mean "dawdled") back to the parking area along the Foreshore Trail.
The upper circuit people found the secret clue and no-one chose the summit dash so we zigzagged back to the cars.
Waiting...waiting, we examined the memorial to those who lost their lives in the Tasman Bridge collapse, investigated the musical loo and generally wondered what they were up to. (They'd found a library and got distracted).
Lunch at Moto Vecchia was a huge success. The soup was so delicious it was all gone before a photo could be taken. Rumour has it that one person managed more than one bowl!
The Foreshore Trail
Views of Bellerive Bluff
The upper track
Views of Hobart's industrial coast
Tasman Bridge and the memorial
Don't they look happy about having kept us waiting?
Super soup supped