Wednesday 27 November 2019

Cascade Walking Track

Cascade Walking Track

We met at the Cascade Brewery and took the walking track which winds uphill through dry bush and fern glades

Some water, but not a lot, in the creek that flows into Hobart Rivulet

The troll didn't get anyone

Now some steep steps

And a ford, of sorts

Huge trees

It looks like the head of a pick axe lying in the undergrowth.

These obstacles didn't impede the progress of the smaller people

Three wise....


still going up


Lolly stop :)

We made it to the top of the Track where it meets Old Farm Road


A search party went up to look for evidence of cable car preparation (none located)

With plenty of spare time before lunch we dawdled downhill noticing interesting things.

Native Bee Hive

The trees are huge with plenty of holes for nesting birds or possums, hopefully the trees are thriving, though there seemed to be a lot of leaves missing.

Flowers in a garden 

flowers on the roadside

Hybrid or patchwork goat.

Kookaburras were cackling at us and drew our attention to the mountain, kunanyi Mount Wellington.

Back to the start with an untypical view of the Cascade brewery

There were 24 Ramblers. Lunch was Cascade Hotel

A side of chips! Plenty for all.

Schnitzel is always bigger than expected...even when you expect it to be big


Only the first half of our walk, and no elevation due to depressed level of remembering on my part!
