Wednesday 15 January 2020

Mount Nelson

Mount Nelson
Previously walked 18/7/18 and 28/8/19

We took the fire trail towards Enterprise St and returned via the  walking trail through Bicentennial Park.

Meeting in the car park at the Signal Station. Note the smoky sky, blowing from fires in Victoria and NSW.

Setting off 

A short bushy detour

Art shot

We reach the end of this downhill section and stop for a lolly break, today's special... "mothballs" yum!

Very hot today and plenty of time to stop for a breather

This time we did an bit of an extension to Acushla Court

An interesting tree, just about clinging to life

The view through the smoke haze to Nelson Road.

A cairn in a tree

This is a 'view' of Tasman Bridge (in the smoke)

The return through Bicentennial Park

The Signal Station

Non view across to the eastern shore.

We had 13 Ramblers and went to the Globe Hotel for lunch.

