Wednesday 27 October 2021

New Norfolk

New Norfolk

We were greeted by a warm and sunny day so jumpers and coats were left behind.

We walked around Tynwald Park, crossed the little Lachlan River and followed the Derwent to the Esplanade. We saw reed warblers, goldfinches and a platypus (all too shy for a photo sadly)

There were lots of reed warblers flitting about and singing (warbling) their loud call.

We spent some time at the lookout, admiring views and reflections. Also took this opportunity to wish Wayne a Happy 70th Birthday!


"Happy Birthday to you oo oo"

Down the steps to reach the Esplanade

Through the town, past a memorial to heroes in South Africa.

Into Willow Court

The Lachlan River again.

Nearly back to Tynwald Park

The new bridge replaced after the old one washed downstream in the floods

There were 16 Ramblers, lunch was at The Bush Inn

