Wednesday 22 April 2020

Walks and Gardens

Walks and Gardens 

We aren't able to visit the Royal Tasmanian Botanic Gardens this week. Instead we have looked around our own neighbourhoods and favourite walking places for pictures of gardens, especially those with autumn colours, to brighten our day.

Here are some from through the RTBG fence.

Jay and Wayne walked at Blackmans Bay

This should look familiar

Sometimes it pays to look up to find a garden!

Bubbles has a bit of autumn colour in her garden. 

Jo Bennicke took photos of her garden and also one across the road which will disappear under redevelopment..

Margaret's garden is looking spectacular with Banksias and Proteas.

Stewart went past this native garden with a Hakea in flower and some Diplarrena (native iris)

Sylvia enjoyed being out in the fresh air.

For a peek into the Governor's garden

Thanks guv!

Tas was out and about in Howden (nice composition Tas :))

Amidst all the lockdown, nature is carrying on as usual in Bob's garden as this rose bud is about to open.

Tom and Donna walked from Bullock Drive to Pickett's Hill and back, with lunch bought from the bakery and eaten at the summit of Pickett's Hill.

Leslie Vale Track and Cathedral Rock

Leslie Vale Greenhill Nursery

Three on the Leslie Vale Track

Jo L. has sent photos of some plants thriving in her garden in Allen's Rivulet.

And lastly, this lovely collage of images from Robin's garden in Mt Nelson.

Some  late entries...

Sue and Gary sent a photo of autumn horse chestnut and something lurking in the fernery

Marcus and Bronwyn walked west on their section of river and took photos of Guitar plant (Lomatia tinctoria) with its seeds
being ejected, Centaury (Centaurium Sp), and  Pink Heath (Epacris impressa))

and Mark who says
"Some photos of our front garden showing some Autumn colours plus one of our Crab Apple trees. If anyone wants some Crab Apples, bring your own bag. You can only make so much Crab Apple jelly!"
