Wednesday 6 April 2022

Calvert's Hill

                                        Calvert's Hill from Cremorne

We accessed the beach and took a northerly direction to the new steps onto the headland.

Once we were up the steps we followed the coastal path with views across the bay

Decision Point! A new trail has been mowed leading directly up the hill, several of us took this route, others decided to stay on the level and enjoy the views without the altitude. The thought of grass seeds in socks deterred those who wanted to take the longer (but originally planned) track.

Looking across to Sloping Island

Spectacle Island

Thinking and taking a lolly break.

It went up...and up...and UP!

But we reached the trig point easily.

Views in all directions

kunanyi Mount Wellington

Then down beside the fence, watch out for the electric fence. Yes! It is on!

Returning along the beach with a washed up bluebottle jellyfish

There were 12 Ramblers and lunch was at the Foreshore Tavern in Lauderdale.

