Boronia Beach
We met at Kingston Beach. Admired the new toilet block, and proceeded along the beach westwards. The wind had dropped but it was still cold.
We left the beach and entered Kingston Heights Track
Descending to Boronia Beach
Down the steps to the beach with its wonderful rock formations.
Kay explained the geology...
The cliffs are Permian (290-250 Mya) mudstone and sandstone formed under shallow seas. If you look carefully on the rock platform you might find marine fossils and drop stones from floating ice.
The cliff face is shaped by waves, fault lines, wind and ground water seeping from above and behind the cliff face. (Thanks Kay)
Thank you Jo for lifting our spirits.
This area is fenced for the protection of Little Penguins. They nest in the hillside and "burrows" have been installed for their convenience.
No penguins in sight but plenty of other wildlife .
Up the steps to Jindabyne Rd.
It started to rain quite heavily so we cut the walk short
27 Ramblers.
Lunch at Salty Dog, where we dripped on the floor but were grateful for a seat and lots of hot chocolates.